My 2020 Post-(Virtual) Reunion Analysis Part IV

Here we are at the end of the virtual reunion: the Q&A.  Having watched it again, I'll say it again - it is incredibly enjoyable to see the majority of the original cast recreate this film.

With "Slow Ride" fading in the background, we start off the Q&A section with the jokes about how that was a good first try and when are we doing this again.  I really should say half-jokes because you can feel it in the cast (well, maybe not Rory, lol) that they are seriously jonesing on the nostalgia felt for this time in their lives.  Remember, for so many this was their first film, and even if it wasn't their first, it was certainly the first time a director asked them to contribute beyond simply saying the words on the page in a convincing manner.  They enjoyed becoming a greater part of the filmmaking process by contributing their own idea, lines and attitudes.  I'm sure that many look back on it as one of if not the best experience they had making a film (I know Adam Goldberg has mentioned as much over the years and not many in the cast have had more film and TV acting experiences than Adam).

Here are some generally in-the-order-they-were-uttered thoughts from my original notes and my re-watch of the Q&A:

  • Linklater mentions that there was never an original table read in 1992 (no surprise there) when he said "There was a reason we never did a table read 28 years ago!"
  • Someone off screen (I believe Jason London) says "Can someone get Rory some water?"
  • Jason Reitman was really laughing about how the read went (I'll note again that other than Rory the read went as well as any other Zoom read I've watched during the pandemic, and Rory's crazy issues were super funny, rather Slater-esque, and almost enhanced things)
  • From Cole's comments it's clear he didn't re-watch the film to prepare.  I can see his point about the "evolution" of Benny, but ultimately I disagree - we'll tackle that in the Benny spotlight.  
  • Cole also mentions the great "too drunk to stand up" lawn chair in the back of the pickup scene as one of his favorites
  • Jason has the pot pipe belt buckle from the scene in front of the Emporium
  • When asked what Mike Newhouse would be doing today, Adam said "ballerina", ha ha!
  • Joey Lauren Adams mentioned her favorite off-camera experience during filming was going to the Continental Club (and old blues club in Austin that is still there today) and seeing Junior Brown play (this kinda got me, I saw Junior Brown in NYC more than once)
  • Joey also mentioned that Rick was so welcoming to their input that half her scenes with Parker Posey were written while drunk the lobby of the Sheraton hotel the cast stayed in
  • Sasha mentioned that when they started shooting at night, and McConaughey showed up with his ever expanding role, that's when the bonding of the cast really went into high gear.
  • Michelle said she felt like the script read was a high school reunion and that she was nervous to see everyone.  She also showed a picture on cam of some of the cast rafting on the river (led by McConaughey - more details on this in my Extended Analysis post)
  • Deena Martin calls Esteban Powell "Este" and apparently she was in a movie Random Acts of Violence that he starred in 1999 that is very hard to find.
  • The Alright story was told by McConaughey.  One new angle I don't remember hearing is that he was on set that night only for a makeup and wardrobe test, he had no scheduled scenes.  
  • Parker mentioned the chemistry, passion and committment that everyone had for this movie when making it and you can feel in her voice how special it was to make this film.  She also mentions casting director Don Phillips and what an amazing job he did.
  • The next question was for Linklater and Rory regarding Slater, but this is when we find out Rory kinda bailed on the Q&A.  Rick told the story of how Rory didn't audition well but he gave him the part anyway, and how they eventually had a mind meld over repeatedly using the phrase "that's what I'm talking about".
  • NOSE-TOUCHING!  One of my favorite subjects and to be clear I am PRO nose-touching by Wiley Wiggins as Mitch Kramer.  I've never played the stupid drinking game about it and I love it!  I have always maintained that it had to have been natural and just something Wiley did and that Linklater liked it just like I like it - otherwise he would have stopped it.  And Wiley confirmed it was all him naturally as a 15yo and Rick confirmed that he liked it and would've stopped it had he not.  One point me for me! 
  • Mark V (Tommy) states that his character would basically be Benny by his senior year of high school.  The Q&A is really going off the rails at this point - people off camera are answering the questions, the questions are directed at the wrong cast members 
  • The smaller role "guests" got to comment on their love of the movie, when they first saw it and how they love it.  You can really tell that they all love it.  Cole didn't know that Ricky Whittle was British, and complimented his accent skills from the script read
  • Patton with a joke question to Ashton Kutcher from "Brian Posehn" (who is actually a comedian/actor and a well-known nerd).  The question is about obscure Batman trivia, of course a reference to Ben Affleck
  • Ashton gave a very heartfelt commentary about what the film means to him and how it affected his life in a very meaningful way.  Jason London commented that he felt that Ashton's character in That 70s Show was completely Randall Pink Floyd and they had a lovely exchange.  I still don't get the comparison beyond the visual (Pink and Kelso as characters are pretty different)
  • McConaughey told a funny story about trying to drive into LA from Austin for the first time with his U-Haul, and wanting LA Woman by the Doors to be playing in his car when he arrived, but from the time he saw the first sign to when he actually hit Sunset Blvd, he had to play it like 38 times
The last comment at the very end that you can hear before the audio feed cut off is someone (I believe Deena Martin) saying, "No one knows me, but goodnight!" and someone else says "We know you" and I would like to echo that statement.  No matter how small your part in this film, we know you!

Well, that's it folks.  It was a great thing to witness.  I can't wait for the 30 year reunion in 2023. Again I'd like to thank everyone that participated and made this table read possible.  Bravo!

If you missed the previous parts of my analysis, please check them out here: Part IPart II, and Part III.


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