Alright, Alright, Alright: The Oral History of Richard Linklater's Dazed and Confused

Melissa Maerz's wonderful, amazing book was released a few days ago.  I'll receive my copy of the book today, so I've only read some excerpts.  However, if you're reading THIS bizarre little blog about Dazed then you ABSOLUTELY need to get this book and devour it.  I can tell from the excerpts and reviews that this thing is definitive, incredibly thorough and totally enthralling for fans of the movie.  Let me give you an example.  

If you've read my Extended Analysis, then you'll recall the legendary McConaughey story about going to a hotel bar and getting cast in the movie.  Matthew's friend was tending bar and introduced him to Don Phillips the casting director who was having a drink.  This is where it gets deep, folks - Melissa tracked down Matthew's bartender friend and interviewed him!  She went to Hunstville and tracked down high school friends of Richard Linklater, including some of the people who sued Rick for using their names!  I cannot wait to read this book.

So the book is amazing, it's a lock.  But a great side effect of such a book coming out is that Dazed fans get tons of content out of the promotion of the book.  I think I said this before, but between the virtual reunion and this book, it's the most exposure this movie has gotten in quite some time.  I've been compiling a list of interviews, podcasts, and reviews that you may want to check out.  Here we go:

The Big Picture Podcast - ‘Dazed and Confused’: Making a Modern Movie Classic, With Richard Linklater

Kamenetzky Brothers podcast - with guest Melissa Maerz

Texas Highways interview - with Melissa Maerz

Houston Chronicle - book review

Austin Chronicle - book review/interview with Melissa Maerz

The Ringer - book excerpt

Vanity Fair - book excerpt (different than The Ringer above, of course)

Lights, Camera, Austin - audio interview with Melissa Maerz

People Still Read Books podcast  - with Melissa Maerz

My Wife's iPod - interview with Melissa Maerz

The AV Club - book review

Texas Monthly - review/interview with Melissa Maerz (fun fact: the stylized pic of McConaughey as Wooderson on the cover of the book is not from the film or a photo from 1992, but from the summer of 2003 when Matthew reprised his Wooderson look for a Texas Monthly cover story at the Top Notch)

GQ - book excerpt (again, different than the previously mentioned excerpts)

Spin Magazine - interview with Wiley Wiggins and Melissa Maerz

New York Times - book review by Patton Oswalt

Los Angeles Magazine - book excerpts (different)

Vulture - yet another book excerpt! (This one does overlap a bit with one of the previous excerpts, but lots of new pictures)

Rolling Stone - book review

The Watch - podcast 

Leafly Podcast - 30 min bonus podcast with the author

Austin-American Statesman - book discussion including a youtube video interview with Richard Linklater and Melissa Maerz

Austin-American Statesman - 15 things you might learn from the book

Willamette Week  - interview with the author

The Projection Booth Podcast - podcast with the author

Kirkus Reviews - video interview with the author

Wisconsin Public Radio - audio/print interview with the author

Books on Pod - podcast with the author

The Nerd Party Podcast - podcast with the author

BookForum - book review

Enjoy Your Life Podcast - Episode 54: "Alright and Confused" (featuring Melissa Maerz)

Yaddo Podcast - conversation with the author

That's a lot of press, and I'm sure I missed some too.  If/when I find more, I'll be adding to this list.  Enjoy!

Edit to add: the book arrived while I was writing this!!!  Charlie wants it first.


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