What does the inside of the Emporium look like today?

One of my favorite subjects concerning Dazed is the filming locations around Austin.  You can check out my coverage of them and the amazing work others have done to uncover them by clicking here and here.

Of course, it's always great when you find someone else documenting these locations in a unique way and recently the YouTube channel TeamFamily has been doing just that.  One location is well-known - The Emporium - and the other location is one that is the farthest away from Austin, isn't a huge part of the film, and no dialogue (just singing) was uttered there, so not many venture out to it.  We'll get to the Emporium in a bit, but first let's look at the car wash.

Now you may be saying to yourself, "Moontower Man, I don't remember a car wash in Dazed", but my suggestion is to watch the film again.  In fact, that's my go-to suggestion for pretty much anything, right?  But if you think back, you'll remember that after the Senior Girls led by Darla perform their parking lot ketchup and mustard massacre, they load the freshmen girls back into the beds of the pickups and clean them off by driving through a car wash.  In reality, that car wash is in Seguin, TX which is a little more than an hour's drive south of downtown Austin.  Here's a picture from Google Street View in late December 2018 and the amazing video from TeamFamily:

Pretty cool stuff.  I was very happy to see this video, because when I visited the car wash I managed to get one sweeping video shot and then someone drove up to actually wash their car and I got all freaked out about taking more video or pictures and came home with nothing else.  Great work by TeamFamily to figure out that the flow of traffic through the car wash is reversed in the present day, and great job capturing the details of the structure, what's still there and what's changed.

Now onto the Emporium location.  This is an amazing and unusual take on it because we get to go INSIDE the building.  And guess what?  The offices and employees of Pushnami, a marketing company currently occupying the space, pay homage to the film!  If you click there name, they brag about having the coolest office space in Austin 😊.  Check it out, again from TeamFamily:

Wow, that interior wall with the huge EMPORIUM on it, paying homage to the exterior of the building as it was during filming, amazing!  I also love that they have those pictures up and I think I heard the person giving the tour say that they have watched the movie in the conference room.  I would pay money to watch the movie from inside the Emporium location, 100% no doubt!  And remember, the interior of the Emporium was absolutely this location due to the many shots from inside that show the parking lot exterior that was used for the outside shots.

This again makes me want to work on my own filming location video from my trip to Austin.  I'm also trying to finish reading Alright, Alright, Alright, Melissa Maerz's great book that you can check out here.  But too much of Dazed is never a bad thing, right?


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