Sabrina's House - a lost Filming Location

One filming location that has never been documented on YouTube or anywhere else that I'm aware of is Sabrina's House.  This location is seen twice, but the house itself is only seen once.  I mentioned this to my friend Adam who runs the excellent Adam Was Here YouTube channel, and as he's local to the Austin area he was able to uncover it all.

The location is seen the first time when Sabrina is dropped off by Jodi and her Seniors crew in their pickup truck.  The only location clues in this scene are the tudor-style home across the street, a mailbox that never comes into focus, and the fact that the street has a double yellow line, indicating that it's in a busier area and not a totally quiet residential neighborhood. 

The second time they are in this location is during the evening, when Tony says goodbye to Sabrina at her house after the beer bust and "piling on some pancakes and syrup".  There is an interesting aside afoot here though, as both a local Austinite Spencer Kitley, who runs/ran a Dazed tour, and a Dazed crew member posted on a public FB post about the potential storyline around Sabrina.  Spencer confirmed the address as Sabrina's house and Jean Dodge, the crew member, stated that Sabrina was supposed to fake that it was her house, and that she lived in a shabbier, not-so-nice house next door and didn't want anyone to know.  Obviously that didn't end up in the movie, but VERY interesting nonetheless.

So for the evening shoot we actually see the house and get part of the street number, which is 210 but there is a fourth digit.  It's never shown fully, and needs to be lightened up in editing software quite a bit to even see it, but the fourth number is clearly something similar to a 0.

Based on this and with help from an Austin Facebook page, including someone who runs a Dazed tour in Austin (hint: if you see a Dazed tour happening in Austin, support them!), this property was identified as 2100 Travis Heights Blvd in (of course) Austin, TX.  Everything matches up, as you can see on Google Maps.

For the full visual aspect, PLEASE check out Adam's amazing video just published about this filming location:


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