Quotes from Adam Goldberg regarding Dazed and Confused

I recently found that the actor who played Mike Newhouse, and has built quite the resume acting and directing since then, Adam Goldberg, has done multiple AMAs on Reddit, so I combed through them to present the Dazed-related Q&A here.

From his Reddit AMA November 11, 2017

Adam can you tell us something about the making of Dazed and Confused that we might've not known about?

"I wrote a song with Jason Lee who was Marisa Ribisi's boyfriend at the time, about Chuck Woolery, who just tweeted at the other day incidentally for being a fascist prick."

Is it true the ending of the film had to be re-done? I always thought it was, in many ways, a perfect movie. The dialogue is so on point. Did you folks feel like you had something special when it was shooting? What do you make of Linklater's work? Did you see Everybody Wants Some?

"I don't think it had to be reshot per se. The not Slater stoner guy got let go I think and his girlfriend Milla left with him and the role was sort of divvied up between Rory and Matthew. Yes we knew it was special but didn't know how it would do-- which wasn't very well. Terrible marketing and release. But we know Rick was special and the pedigree of the producers and Don the casting director, and all the special kids they cast. I love Rick. I love his work. He's one of kind. He was very mentor-y for me when I was making my first film, "Scotch and Milk." In fact he was in it. I saw Everybody Wants Some at cast and crew screening. It was very difficult to be objective. I think Boyhood is a masterpiece."

From his Reddit AMA August 3, 2016

What was your favourite acting role?

"Probably if for no other reason than it was such an exciting opportunity and my first substantial role in a movie, I tend to go with Dazed and Confused. Having said that it's far from my favorite performance."

Who was your favorite director to work with and why?

"Along the lines of my answer regarding my favorite role, I'll go with Rick Linklater who directed me in Dazed and Confused and Waking Life. He kind of spoiled all of us. Super collaborative, nurturing environment. If you needed more structure or more overt direction, maybe not your guy, but if you were bringing a lot of things to the table, ideas you wanted to communicate, he was so receptive. I imagined it was what it might have been like to work with Cassavetes."

A couple of years ago there was talk about a Dazed and Confused sequel and then a prequel as well. Is there any truth to those rumors? Have you been asked to star in either?

"Rick just put out Everybody Wants Some his '80s movie he deems a 'spiritual sequel.'  For years I wanted a sequel to take place either the day before or of or after 9/11 since the ages would have worked out right for us to play us. This is an admittedly potentially dark take."

What is Matthew McConaughey like in person?

"I've done three movies with Matthew and spent a good deal of the nineties with that dude. He's Wooderson pretty much. Like a more business savvy Wooderson."

From his Reddit AMA July 8, 2015

You played 'Mike' in one of my all-time favourite movies, Dazed and Confused. In the 'confession' scene in the car with Cynthia and Tony, Tony questioned what Mike wanted to do if he wasn't going to go to law school. Mike replied, "I wanna dance!" If he had followed through with his wish, what genre of dance do you think he'd have chosen and do you think he'd have been able to make a nice little career out of it?

"Ha! I improvised that line in rehearsal so I always love hearing it when people yell it at me from moving cars. I think he definitely would have gone Martha Graham style…but become easily frustrated and sued probably after injuring himself."

From his Reddit AMA May 6, 2014

Was the amount of partying behind the scenes of Dazed and Confused as crazy as everyone says it was?

"yes. and yes."

Your best memories on set over the years?

"There's a lot of great memories. But Dazed and Confused was like the condensed college experience I never had (after dropping out after my Freshman year). I mean, who doesn't like to go the shooting range with a bunch of insane 20 yr old actors after binging all night on booze and getting chased around by the hotel security guard. Actually, I don't. Not a big shooting range fan. But I did enjoy pissing off the security guard."

How do you feel about your performance in Dazed and Confused 21 years later?

"Honestly, I don't love it. I was too excited and too cerebral an actor then. I was in my head....except maybe for the fight scene, that felt very honest...though physical acting often does. But I the movie is definitely one of the most defining experiences in my life."

Hi Adam, I'm curious looking back to Dazed and Confused what was the vibe like on set, did you feel like you were making a movie that would be held in such high regard 20 years later? Such an amazing cast that went on to do some great things. The fight you pick with Nicky Katt has always been a favorite scene for me.

"To be honest, yeah! We sort of did know we were making a great, cult-like movie. But we were also really young and full of hubris. Also, the track record of the casting director, Don Phillips (fast times, etc) and the producers was in line with the notion this could be something special. I mean, it was clearly less mainstream than films like Animal House and Fast Times, but I was a huge fan of Rick's first film, Slacker, and this was sort of the film at the time everybody wanted to be in. I was super excited. And we destroyed that hotel. We had a lot of fun...Although I think I might have thought I was miserable at the time, looking back,I realize I was having my equivalent of a lot fun. Yeah, the fight scene sold me. I wanted to do the movie if for no other reason, than that alone."


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